Composting was one of the first steps that we took at Elysian when we embarked on our sustainability drive. It may not look like much, a simple 10L bucket recycled from our yoghurt deliveries. However, prior to this bucket, all food waste here was being thrown in the general rubbish.
It was a pretty simple step to start collecting all vegetable leftovers from our production. Onions from the Taramasalata, cucumbers from the Tzatziki and occasionally lemons when we’re marinating the olives. Plus, all the food we can compost from the team kitchen!
We'd estimate that Elysian collects between 5-10kgs of compostable food waste per week (depending on how much we’re making in the kitchen on any given week).
That's around 300-400kgs of waste that we’ve diverted from the general rubbish collection.
And where does all our compost all go? To the compost bins at home. Our owners have two of them, one is closed off and left to compost for about three months, during which time we turn it over every 3-4 weeks. The second gets all the fresh food waste, and after three months the compost is ready and we empty it into the vegetable garden to replenish the soil.